Ten-Bagger 投資世界 只要有衣有食,就當知足。 錢永遠賺不盡,有餘幫助有需要的人,令人開心快樂是我的夢想 謝謝大家支持
To all 900.HK fans:I discover in these few days 900.HK only have little publicly traded shares ... or now that it is mainly long run investors are holding it.Will 900.HK start its engine ? ... and gogogo ?^_^
真大道至簡 - 滾雪球在要揀在好土上面 已談談歷史數字 2007年10月30日,2007年大時代香港創新高日31958,當日不同指數收市位 香港恆生 31638.22 香港國企 20400.07 上海綜合 5897.19 美國杜指 13792.47 NASDAQ...
To all 900.HK fans:
回覆刪除I discover in these few days 900.HK only have little publicly traded shares ... or now that it is mainly long run investors are holding it.
Will 900.HK start its engine ? ... and gogogo ?